Monday, October 7, 2019

CEO Project-EXXON Mobil Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CEO Project-EXXON Mobil - Research Paper Example anagement strategic positioning or decision will be single handedly implemented to ensure the petroleum company to continue to shine and outperform in the oil sector. The four implementation programs will be aligned to protect the vast shareholders’ interests by ensuring profitability in its subsequent financial years, meet the ever changing customer preference in an innovative and responsive manner that continuously meets target market customers’ needs, bud an aggressive high qualified employee workforce that conforms to the global standards and finally run environmentally safe business that protects community interest. Financial program implementation will take the initiative of finance department restructuring to create financial policies that are able to cater for the per barrel cost that eat into the annual profits, increase the company’s liquidity and mitigate any financial risks that are associated with poor disaster relief methods. The major activity will entail the financial management and team is effectively trained to embrace the newer technology in management of the financial systems that provide good results. Exxon Mobil has the funds to facilitate technological systems that streamline the processing of the oil to meet customers’ specifications and hence make more profit for the company (Rea, 2015). The financial strategy will be communicated to the shareholders for purposes of accountability. Customer programs main objective is to meet customer needs. This is outright from the Exxon Mobil mission and objective which is to be the preferred world’s premier petroleum and petrochemical company. This particular clause envisions a company that has its priority in developing products that satisfies the diversified customer base, for instance, the introduction of SCAN fining process that eliminates sulfur which is deadly to automobile engines. ExxonMobil has adopted an implementation strategy that makes use of its existing employee base of

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