Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Beauty (Re)Discovers the Male Body free essay sample

Some authors get pleasure from writing, others give pleasure by writing, and the few who have come quite close to mastering what writing is about, can do both. In Susan Bordo’s â€Å"Beauty (Re)Discovers the Male Body†, I believe that she not only enjoyed writing the piece but also knew she would give others pleasure by writing it. She wrote as a real person with natural feelings, not as a writer simply stating facts about a subject. Bordo meticulously designed the essay in a way that kept the audience excited for what would come next but also enthralled in the current text. She has an interesting writing style that I have not come across before and after reading this essay I am interested in trying to adapt it into my own writing form. Bordo begins the essay by talking about females, which at first may be confusing to the reader until he or she realizes that the information Bordo is giving is essential to understanding why this essay is so important. We will write a custom essay sample on Beauty (Re)Discovers the Male Body or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She then goes on to say that though women have been portrayed as sex symbols for years, seeing a man as such for the first time was alarming. I really enjoyed how she told her personal account of the first advertisement she came across instead of just coming out and say there was an ad in a magazine and describing it. Hearing her version of what it looked like and how she physically reacted to it made the point of the essay come across so loudly. If she had been looking through the magazine and saw a woman dressed the same way she probably would not have taken a second look but since it was a man, there was gasping and feelings of shock. This made me think, is it fair that it is expected of women to be advertised like this but for people to act surprised when men are? If that was the point that Bordo was trying to convey, I think that by talking as a person rather than a writer, she did a great job. While reading this essay, I realized that it flowed very nicely even though Bordo jumped from one subject to another. I think this is because even though I wanted to know what she had to say next, I was really interested in what she was saying in the text I was actually reading. Usually, when I read, there are certain paragraphs or even whole pages of text that seems unnecessary and I cannot wait for it to be over so I can get back to what is interesting. In this text though, even though Bordo seemed to drag on about certain things more than others, I thought it was always entertaining. I still have not figured out how she uses this writing tool  but when I do, I think it will be a nice addition to my own writing. Sometimes, when writing, the work seems to do itself. Other times though, it seems as though you must push and push until the piece is completed. I think that Bordo has figured out how to make the piece write itself and get work done. By adding personal accounts and feelings to my essays, as Bordo has done in hers, I think that more often than not the piece with pull itself together and begin to write itself. Bordo does a great job of describing exactly how she feels when she sees something and allows those feelings to come alive in the essay. When it is time to talk about statistics or some historical fact though, she eases along and it is almost as if you did not read something that should have been boring because you were still reeling on what she had said previously about some semi-naked man’s photograph or how she openly talked about feeling erotic from the photograph. I think that if I can begin to write as a person with feelings rather than just stating facts about my writing topic, I will have added a very useful tool to my writing technique.

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