Sunday, May 24, 2020

Catcher in the Rye-Holdens Relationship with Women

Holden’s Relationship with Women The novel â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye† by J. D. Salinger is about a 17-year-old boy named Holden. Holden gets in a very bad condition after his younger brother Allie dies from Leukemia. He gets mentally ill and suffers from serious depression. Holden goes through tough times in which he has a lot of trouble finding friends and keeping good relationships. Relationship and sexuality are big motifs in the novel, which come up very often. Holden is always on the look for a new friend but he always turns away in the last moment. When Holden interacts with women in the novel, he is very different than when he interacts with men. The women characters in the book all are very important because they represent and†¦show more content†¦It is very disturbing that he says â€Å"sex appeal† instead of â€Å"beauty† because it really shows what his thinks of her. He starts flirting with her and says many lies to get her interested. Later on he says, â€Å"Then I real ly started chucking the old crap around†¦ I had her glued to her seat†(50). Once again he is very disrespectful and rude and it is also very inappropriate to think like that to a mother of a classmate. On the other hand, he is very generous to the nuns that he meets on the train to Manhattan. It is very surprising when Holden does so many nice things to them such as pick up their basket, respect their beliefs and talk very gently because before he kept complaining about everything. Holden acts like a real gentleman, which could be because he sees the innocence in them. Holden admires them for trying to help others because later on in the novel the reader finds out that he wants to protect children from danger. During on point he says to them, â€Å"To tell you the truth, it was sort of embarrassing, in a way, to be talking about Romeo and Juliet with her. I mean that play gets pretty sexy in some parts, and she was a nun and all, but she asked me, so I discussed it with her for a while†(100). This is the only time that he is uncomfortable talking about sexual things because he respects that they are nuns and does not want to say something impolite. Holden even donates a lot of money when they did not ask for any and afterShow MoreRelatedCatcher in the Rye-Holdens Relationship with Women1517 Words   |  7 PagesHolden’s Relationship with Women The novel â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye† by J. D. Salinger is about a 17-year-old boy named Holden. Holden gets in a very bad condition after his younger brother Allie dies from Leukemia. He gets mentally ill and suffers from serious depression. Holden goes through tough times in which he has a lot of trouble finding friends and keeping good relationships. Relationship and sexuality are big motifs in the novel, which come up very often. Holden is always on the look forRead MoreAnalysis Of Salinger s The Catcher Rye 1074 Words   |  5 PagesJournal Responses Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye has been pronounced a literary classic for its atypical portrayal of adolescence, to effectively convey the protagonist’s alienation and confusion. The introduction of The Catcher in the Rye is underpinned by disorder and confusion through a stream-of-consciousness narration, which digresses from one subject to another. Consequently, Holden’s multitudinous thoughts and feelings appear to lack a cohesive pattern. Additionally, Holden’s prevalentRead MoreHolden Caulfield of Catcher In the Rye, the equivalent portrayal of J.D Salinger1734 Words   |  7 PagesHolden Caulfield of Catcher In the Rye, the equivalent portrayal of J.D Salinger Jerome David â€Å"J.D† Salinger’s masterpiece, The Catcher in the Rye, is a world to the disillusioned protagonist Holden Caulfield. 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The Catcher in the Rye centers on a young man – can women relate to this novel, too? What about Holden is gender-specific, and what is common to all teenagers? Women can relate Common to all teenagers Rebellious nature Negative thoughts Feeling inferiority Illusion of Future Curiosity Not belonging Gender-specific Not as impulsiveness as girls 2. Let’s talk about the ending to the Catcher in the Rye. Is it optimistic? Negative? Gloomy?Read MoreAnalysis Of Laura Palmer By Bastille / Running Away From Pencey Prep1329 Words   |  6 Pagesscene in Catcher in the Rye where Holden ran away from Pencey Prep, thoroughly finished with the â€Å"morons† there. Pencey, the last school Holden attended, was full of phonies according to Holden. Although he did not like the people at Pencey, the school provided a generally stable environment for Holden. After Holden ran away from Pencey, he had three days to kill before the start of the Christmas break when he would have to face his parents. 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